{WIAW} My Usual Paleo Suspects

I’m linking up with Jen at Peas and Crayons today because it’s What I Ate Wednesday: a way to share the meals I’ve prepared for myself and eaten, and an opportunity for you to see the day-to-day meals of a primal eater. Be nosy and read all about it!

*hint: click on the blue links for some meal ideas! And check out my Primal Recipes page for more.

I’m very much a creature of habit when it comes to paleo and primal food during the week. Breakfast, lunch and dinner comes from our weekly meal prep (done on the weekend), and we’ll often have the same dishes on a weekly basis, not because we don’t know any other paleo and primal foods to make, but because these dishes are delicious, we love leftovers, and we can get a nutritious and satisfying meal, that tastes like it’s taken hours to make, but has only been heated up instead. Which comes in handy when you’re busy running, blogging, body weight-training and wanting to be in bed before 10:30 pm 🙂


My routine weekday breakfast:


As per usual, I had a slice of Whenever Quiche, always made with a crust made of ground almonds. I confess that when this is out of the oven and cooled, I break off a chunk of crust and nibble on it, it’s that tasty. This week’s quiche fillers were steamed spinach (from frozen), kale, yellow pepper and crimini (chestnut) mushroom, cooked in Kerrygold butter and homemade bone broth. I’ve also tweaked this quiche recipe so that it contains 1 egg per piece now, rather than 3/4 of an egg.

This was followed by a fruit bowl of persimmon (love these!), kiwi and from-frozen local raspberries; topped with the usual coconut cream and crunchy, silky Nutter Bomb. I never grow tired of this combination. Pat tells me weekly he feels the same.

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Something else I never tire of is my bulletproof espresso: I. Love. It. Two shots espresso + 1 tbsp Kerrygold grass-fed butter + 1 tbsp coconut oil + 1 heaped tsp xylitol. Love, love, LOVE it!



The start of the work week always features leftovers for lunch, which I then heat up at school. I’m a sucker for a hot lunch.


This week’s leftovers consisted of The Domestic Man’s Lazy Stuffed Cabbage Rolls: grass-fed ground (mince) beef, carrots, onions, cabbage, and kale, cooked in a tomato-ey sauce, with a bit of Basmati Rice. I’m #teamwhiterice.


My only hang up about this recipe is its name: it shouldn’t be called Lazy Stuffed Cabbage Rolls because it’s techinically not cabbage rolls, therefore nothing is stuffed, at all. That’s the pedantic teacher in me speaking…. I topped this with one egg, scrambled, for added protein.

On the side, I had some broccoli and cauliflower, roasted in coconut oil (a frequent weekday veg accompaniment); as well as half an avocado.


Dessert was the usual dairy-free fat bomb, filled with crumbled nutter bomb!!!! Amazing!


Pat has been in the habit of making curry pastes from scratch, then cooking up a chicken curry for a weekend meal + a post-run night meal as well. Did you know meat and fish curries made from scratch are totally paleo??????


This week’s curry, from the Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food cookbook, was a sweet and sour-ish Vindaloo, made with chicken thighs. Pat also laces his curries with kale, and this one was no exception.


I enjoyed the curry with a small side of sweet potatoes roasted in mixed spice; tasted like Christmas. The vegetable side was green peppers, onions and garlic, fried in smoked paprika, which I didn’t actually eat.

What did you eat today?

What’s your favourite type of curry?

What foods do you regularly eat?

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